V 0.0.0
= Layout =
- Birth of the program prototype.
- Implemented search, auto-complete and results.
= Products =
- Added products: vanilla/strawberry syrup, cheese and pies.
V 1.0.0
= Layout =
- Moved results above search and auto-complete.
= Products =
- Added remaining products.
V 1.1.0
= Layout =
- Added version number to page.
- Added author to page.
= Products =
- Added Bulk Salt.
- Added missing Creamer (open container).
- Added Honey Mustard Sauce.
= Bug Fixes =
- Fixed issue with products with 1 day ready dates not calculating the 1 day.
= Functionality =
- Fixed ready date to display "N/A" instead of the current date.
V 1.2.0
= Functionality =
- Reverted back to display current date instead of N/A for general use labels.
- Added hold time to general use and daily labels.
V 1.3.0
= Functionality =
- Added a clear button.
V 1.3.1
= Products =
- Added Ghost Pepper cheese
- Added Orange Bun
- Added Mayonaise (on board)
- Added Spicy Queso (on board)
V 1.3.2
= Products =
- Added Tartar (on board)
= Bug Fixes =
- Fixed issue with frozen products not giving correct use thru date while thawing.
- Corrected Mayo (on board) time from N/A to 24 hours.
= Functionality =
- Added visible changelog by clicking on the current version number.
V 1.3.3
= Products =
- Added Mushrooms (open pouch)
- Added Mushrooms (on board)
= Bug Fixes =
- Fixed issue with changelog not allowing mobile devices to scroll
V 1.4.0
= Products =
- Added Honey Mustard (on board)
- Added Royal Sauce (on board)
- Added Creamy Buffalo Sauce (on board)
- Added Creamy Buffalo Sauce
- Added Fiery Buffalo glaze
- Added Cloud Cold Foam (Thawing)
- Added Cloud Cold Foam (Opened)
= Bug Fixes =
- Fixed issue with Tartar (on board) not displaying the information.
V 1.4.1
= Products =
- Added Creamy Buffalo Sauce
- Added Fiery Buffalo glaze
V 1.4.2
= Products =
- Added Peppers and Onions Mix (Open Pouch)
- Added Peppers and Onions Mix (On Board)